The King Abandoned and Alone for You... - Mark 14:26-72

We exist for the fame of Jesus. Join us for the remainder of 2016 as we spend the year in the Gospel of Mark looking at the life and ministry of Jesus, our High and Humble King who came, " give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

Stay Awake: Pursuing Faithfulness Until Jesus Returns - Mark 13:24-37

We exist for the fame of Jesus. Join us for the remainder of 2016 as we spend the year in the Gospel of Mark looking at the life and ministry of Jesus, our High and Humble King who came, " give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

It's the End of the World (As the Disciples Know It) - Mark 13:1-23

We exist for the fame of Jesus. Join us for the remainder of 2016 as we spend the year in the Gospel of Mark looking at the life and ministry of Jesus, our High and Humble King who came, " give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

Beware the Scribes, Watch the Widow - Mark 12:35-44

We exist for the fame of Jesus. Join us for the remainder of 2016 as we spend the year in the Gospel of Mark looking at the life and ministry of Jesus, our High and Humble King who came, " give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

God's Sacrificial Pursuit of His People - Mark 11:27-12:12

We exist for the fame of Jesus. Join us for the remainder of 2016 as we spend the year in the Gospel of Mark looking at the life and ministry of Jesus, our High and Humble King who came, " give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

From Fruitlessness to Faithfulness - Mark 11:12-25

We exist for the fame of Jesus. Join us for the remainder of 2016 as we spend the year in the Gospel of Mark looking at the life and ministry of Jesus, our High and Humble King who came, " give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

What Can We Learn from Blind Bartimaeus? - Mark 10:46-52

We exist for the fame of Jesus. Join us for the remainder of 2016 as we spend the year in the Gospel of Mark looking at the life and ministry of Jesus, our High and Humble King who came, " give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

The Missional God and His Missional People - Mark 10:31-45

We exist for the fame of Jesus. Join us for the remainder of 2016 as we spend the year in the Gospel of Mark looking at the life and ministry of Jesus, our High and Humble King who came, " give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

Trusting Jesus as The High and Humble King - Mark 10:13-31

We exist for the fame of Jesus. Join us for the remainder of 2016 as we spend the year in the Gospel of Mark looking at the life and ministry of Jesus, our High and Humble King who came, " give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

Right Worship: Spirit Empowered and Truth Fueled

Jesus said in John 4:23, “…true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth…” What does in spirit and and in truth mean? Letting scripture explain scripture, we took a look at what the bible has to say about the role the Holy Spirit and truth play in right worship of God. God has given us the scriptures to reveal who he is and what he has done, thus fueling our worship of him with glorious truths. He has also given us his Spirit to empower us for right worship and enable us to live our entire lives in right worship of Jesus.

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.

The Most Important Question You'll Ever Answer - Mark 8:24-9:1

We exist for the fame of Jesus. Join us for the remainder of 2016 as we spend the year in the Gospel of Mark looking at the life and ministry of Jesus, our High and Humble King who came, " give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45 ESV)

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.