At Veritas, our passion is to equip the body (you) to fulfill the work of ministry (Eph. 4:12). It takes a lot of people to make Sundays work at Veritas and we need all hands on deck. We need folks who will help with parking, greet folks as they walk in the door, help first time guests get connected, help set up before the gathering and tear down after, help to make sure production and audio/visual goes smoothly, help our kids meet Jesus, and folks who will ensure everything is done in a safe and secure way. 

If you are a Covenant Partner, we ask that you jump in and serve in some way. Everything that we do is for the fame of Jesus and serving is no different. By serving, you are helping people to meet Jesus.  

The goal of all of our service teams is simple: We want to remove barriers to people hearing about Jesus.

We want to challenge every Covenant Partner to take a step and get involved in serving in some way. We’ve listed all of our service teams below and want to challenge you to begin serving on one of the teams.


Are you good with teaching kids? Or can you help keep kids from coloring on the walls? VeritasKids is always in need of more teachers and bouncers. VeritasKids workers’ biggest priority is pointing the kids to Jesus through lessons, through their interactions with them, and through prayer for them. If you are interested in serving in our VeritasKids program, our check-in table, or helping out in the nursery, fill out the form above above!


Are you more technically minded? Several people are behind the scenes at every service, adjusting the lighting, adjusting the sound, and advancing the slides. All of these are crucial roles that, if they are handled well, go almost completely unnoticed. We call these guys AVL Team (Audio, Visual, Lighting). Also, we have a plurality of bands at Veritas that serve the congregation by leading them in singing during corporate worship.


The Hospitality Team exists to serve those who attend our Sunday Gatherings by meeting the practical needs for gathering for worship. The Hospitality Team consists of men and women that help to ensure that helpful signs are set up, coffee is made, communion is prepared, and resources are available to all who come through the doors on Sunday morning. Once they have done all the “prep work” they also serve as the some of the first faces that you might see when you attend the Sunday Gathering: out in the parking lot, by the front doors, or ready to help newcomers at the Connect Table. If you would to serve our church by serving on the Hospitality Team fill out the form above.