Through Christ, God guarantees his promises of the new covenant to us by giving us a new identity, by knowing him by a new name (as our Father), and giving us a new sign (his Spirit).
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At Veritas we are committed to preaching and teaching each week from the Bible about Jesus. Each week we post our sermons online for those of us who are unable to attend our weekly gatherings.
Through Christ, God guarantees his promises of the new covenant to us by giving us a new identity, by knowing him by a new name (as our Father), and giving us a new sign (his Spirit).
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God calls us to live holding firm to his promises by faith but also with the reality that we may never get in this life things that we will have eternally with Jesus.
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When we trust the promises of God, we can live open-handed.
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Walking by faith is filled with opportunities to trust, moments of failure, and God’s gracious rescue.
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Faithful response to God’s gracious call is trusting God and taking the next step.
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God chooses the most unlikely and most undeserving to bless.
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We can't make our way to heaven, so God has brought heaven down to us in Jesus Christ.
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God is the God of the nations, so we must take the gospel to all nations.
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God gives humanity a new start after the flood through Noah, but Noah repeats the same story of sin and failure, proving that he was not the Savior and nothing has changed with humanity after the flood. God will have to make a way for sinners, and through Jesus, he has.
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Death reminds us of the reality of the curse, reveals to us the truth about God’s nature, and requires us to live hoping in him alone.
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If left unchecked, sin will destroy us and lead us to destroy others. Our only hope is to look to the Savior whose blood cries out a better word.
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We are broken by sin and in slavery to death, but Jesus defeats sin and death through his death.
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God is a good God who gives us a good world to live in and a good design to walk in so that we can have fellowship with him.
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God welcomes us into his continual sabbath rest through the completed work of Jesus.
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God creates humans male and female in his own image and commissions human beings to be his representatives to rule and fill on earth.
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God created everything out of nothing so that we might know, love, and worship him.
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God created everything out of nothing so that we might know, love, and worship him.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.