The gifts of prophecy and tongues should be used to build up the church, not ourselves.
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At Veritas we are committed to preaching and teaching each week from the Bible about Jesus. Each week we post our sermons online for those of us who are unable to attend our weekly gatherings.
The gifts of prophecy and tongues should be used to build up the church, not ourselves.
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Spiritual maturity is not measured by the amount of our gifts but by the depth of our love.
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We should strive to grow in the gifts God has given us so that we can serve his church.
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God graciously gives spiritual gifts to all followers of Jesus to build up his church.
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When we divide against one another in the church, we deny the gospel the Lord's Supper is supposed to symbolize. Paul calls us to declare the gospel at the Lord's Supper and live into the unity it proclaims.
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God calls us to honor his design when we gather together for worship.
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If you can’t say no to doing what you want every time, you are actually enslaved to your desires. Being able to say no for the right reasons is true freedom.
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If we are going to endure temptation, we have to: See Israel's story as our story, listen to God's warnings, run from idolatry, and trust God's faithfulness.
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Paul uses his life as an example (not taking payment for his ministerial work) of what it means to lay down your rights in order to serve others and not lay any obstacle before others in order to present the gospel.
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Happiness is found in trusting and following Jesus.
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The promise of Coming Glory - Isaiah 40:1-11
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Jesus is the true king bringing in a new kingdom and a new creation.
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Seeing ourselves rightly, as the people sitting in darkness while hoping in God alone, will produce the joy that we long for in seeing the salvation that he brings as the promised King.
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The central question of our life is: Who will we trust? The truth of God with us means we can trust God when we are afraid.
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We know we are growing in spiritual maturity when we are growing in love
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Singleness and marriage are gifts that God gives to us to serve him with.
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Divorce is an unfortunate reality of living in a world broken by sin, but the good news is that nothing about where we find ourselves financially, socially, or otherwise can bar us from following Jesus and walking in faithfulness.
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1 Corinthians 7:1-9 is a corrective teaching from Paul that paints a beautiful vision of sex, marriage, and singleness that shows them to be good gifts from God.
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