Jesus is the true King who is worthy of our worship.
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At Veritas we are committed to preaching and teaching each week from the Bible about Jesus. Each week we post our sermons online for those of us who are unable to attend our weekly gatherings.
Jesus is the true King who is worthy of our worship.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
Jesus is the Messiah that fulfills all of the promises of the Old Testament.
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Husbands and wives are called to be a picture of the gospel with their marriages.
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Husbands and wives are called to be a picture of the gospel with their marriages.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
Husbands and wives are called to be a picture of the gospel with their marriages.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
We live out our new lives in Jesus by walking in love, walking in light, and walking in wisdom.
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Being rooted in our future hope makes us a hopeful people.
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God calls us to walk in a new way of thinking, being, and living.
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The church is called to grow to look more like Jesus by maintaining unity, contributing our gifts, and growing in maturity.
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Paul prays that God would make the gospel real to us, so that we would be strengthened to live the new life Jesus has saved us for.
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The biblical centrality of the church is shown through the ministry of Paul, the mystery of the gospel, and the manifold wisdom of God.
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Being rooted in the gospel makes us a generous people
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Paul reminds the (mostly Gentile) Ephesian church who they once were, what Jesus has done about it, and who they have now become in Christ.
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Being rooted in the gospel makes us a generous people
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Ephesians 2 shows us why we need to be saved, how God saves us, and what God saves us for.
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Being rooted in the truth means being rooted in the church
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Hope, joy, and resurrection power is available to all of God's children who will ask for it.
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God has done all that he has done for us in salvation so that we might praise him for his glorious grace.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
God's work of restoring our souls as we rest.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.