Christ and our Identities

For good or bad, I am a person keenly aware of the various identities that are common in our modern age. There are certain identities that I balk against - call me a millennial and we may fight - and there are certain identities that deeply resonate with me. I recently discovered the concept of a Highly Sensitive Person, and it was like a light bulb went off. I think a major reason for my interest in this topic is that when I was younger, I felt very lost. I sought my identity in my family, friends, relationships, political beliefs, interests, etc. Those things inevitably became my god. I deeply desired to be rooted in something and walk through life with purpose and confidence, not realizing that the only thing that could satisfy my soul was the Lord.

Maybe some of you can relate to this; I think we all consider our identities at some points in our lives. There are polarizing terms like ‘gender identity’ or ‘identity politics,’ and more comforting and nostalgic identities (fan of your favorite sports team, or son/daughter of an honorable parent or grandparent). This is not to say that various identities are wrong or bad. In fact, they can be good, right, and God-honoring when they have their proper place in our lives.

‘Identity in Christ’ is one of those idioms that is used so often that it can be confused with scripture. While the phrase 'identity in Christ’ is not found anywhere in scripture, that doesn’t mean the concept can’t be inferred from scripture. The phrase  ‘in Christ’ is often used, so let’s take a closer look at one of these passages;

6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. 9 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10 and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority. - Colossians 2: 9-10

Here we see Paul beginning to unpack this concept of being ‘in Christ.’ When we have accepted Christ and been indwelled and empowered by His Holy Spirit, this frees us to truly live our lives (in him.) That deep need to feel rooted and to live for purpose, well here it is! Does this mean now that I’m a new creation in Christ (2 Cor 5:17), anyone who was in my life prior to Christ won’t recognize me now? Well, yes and no. 

I grew up in a very liberal, progressive environment, so there are many things that I used to believe and even advocate for that I no longer hold as true. Some of my family and friends that I grew up with think I’ve become too conservative, too puritan in my sexual beliefs, and they have probably even have felt judged by me at points. I think some part of that was the growing pains of being a new Christian. I was, “…tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes,” (Ephesians 4:14). I did not have a developed sense of doctrine and my own personal Christian beliefs, and I’m sure I did hurtful things in the name of Christ. 

But I also think that I truly am a different person. I agreed to submit my life to Christ, and that means everything is on the table. Identities that I used to pride myself on and hold dear needed to be examined through the lens of being in Christ. Some of those identities need to drop away, but many of them will be transformed by Christ.

Colossians 2:10 tells us that in Christ we have been brought to fullness. I love that idea - brought to fullness. Talk about filling a soul hole; Christ doesn’t just give me scraps to nibble, but fills me! That means that those identities that are now seen through the lens of Christ are brought back to their original and true purpose - to glorify God. I can follow my passions and interests without them becoming my god. I can have tattoos, not only as self-expression, but to the glory of God. I can dance to reggaeton, 90s hip hop, or anything else that moves me, not only because I enjoy it, but because my Heavenly Father is pleased to see my joy. I can read the news and form opinions about politics because God gave us minds of reason, intellect, and discernment, while still knowing that Jesus is my King and he’s on the throne no matter who is in office.

I hope this doesn’t come across as though I’ve arrived and I never fall into the trap of confusing my secondary or tertiary identities for gods. That happens. That certainly happens. When that happens, I take it to the Lord, repent, and remember the priorities that drive my identity.

  1. God (I get to be a daughter to the Father, a follower of my Lord, and in Christ through the Spirit)

  2. Trey (I get to be a spicy, emotional, supportive, and flawed wife)

  3. Titus and Timmy (I get to be an encouraging, fun, sometimes flighty, often frustrated Mama)

  4. Everything else

Best and blessings,
Emily Ruth Perry | Director of Community Life

Building Update

Veritas Church, 

This is a long-awaited day in the history of Veritas. Veritas Church is officially under contract to purchase 584 S Reilly Rd! 

It’s honestly hard for me to believe. We have been praying for God to provide a permanent church home for Veritas for over five years. In March 2017, we launched the Advance Initiative, where we raised funds as a part of a capital campaign that would go towards the purchase of a building. We committed to give, and we raised money, but no building came. 

Fast forward to 2022, when we kicked the year off with 40 Days of Prayer that guided us to pray for a home for Veritas, personal holiness, and a hopeful future. The forty days came and went but still no building. Over the years, discouragement has often settled in on our search, but every time it did, God would graciously remind us of what a building actually is. A building is a tool that the church can use to help them accomplish the mission that Jesus has set us on, to make disciples. Our church mission is to make disciples that love God, love people, and advance the gospel. By the grace of God, that is what we intend to do for many years to come at 584 S. Reilly Rd. 

Thinking about how many prayers have been prayed on behalf of finding a permanent home for our church over the years has been overwhelming. Quite literally, thousands of prayers are being answered, in God’s perfect timing, today. This is a huge reason to celebrate God’s goodness and praise him for answering prayer! 

There will be more updates to follow about the timeline for closing, buildout, vision sketches, and more! In the next 60 days of our due diligence, there are a ton of details that must line up in order to bring our contract to closing on schedule. We need your prayers that God would work out these details (and keep us sane in the process) because this is just the beginning of a long season. 

Here are some specifics that you could pray through for us: 

  • No surprises during our due diligence period

  • God would bring us the right architects, surveyors, environmental experts, and contractors

  • Unified leadership on a clear vision for the usage of the space

  • Stamina for our staff that will work more hours during this process

We couldn’t be more excited about this (we are currently running laps around our temporary office space and annoying our neighbors), and we can’t wait to tell you more. 

(P.S. One fact that I cannot help sharing is that the name of the gentleman we are buying this property from is none other than Chuck Norris. So you’re welcome, and you have my full permission to get excited!) 

I love you church!
Jacob Warren | Lead Pastor

Meet Evan

We have had the privilege of ordaining 3 new elders recently! Praise God! We know that it can be hard to get to know leadership sometimes, so we thought that it would be fun to do a blog series introducing each new pastor and a few fun facts about them. This week we want to introduce you to Pastor

What first brought you to Veritas?
In Spring 2017, the Army PCS’d me to Fort Bragg. When I arrived, I found Veritas through a church network website. I visited my first Sunday in town, and I’ve been here ever since! My wife joined me here at Veritas when we got married in Summer of 2019.

Tell us about your role at Veritas.
In addition to serving as one of our elders, I also get the opportunity to serve as our Director of Service Teams. It is a great joy of mine to be able to help the members of our church find a place to use their spiritual gifts to serve the body. For however long God gives me the opportunity to serve as an elder in His church, my hope is that I would spend that time loving and caring for Veritas Church and helping them believe the good news of the gospel in every area of life.

What are some of your hobbies?
My favorite hobby is sports! I follow and/or play just about every sport out there. My friends often give me a hard time and have nicknamed me “ESPN 8 The Ocho” for my interest in so many (sometimes obscure) sports.

What’s your favorite beverage?
Unsweet tea is my go-to drink, but I can hammer a Diet Coke every now and then too.

What is the last fiction book that you read?
Tale of Two Cities by Chuck Dickens

Meet Ellen

We have had the privilege of hiring 3 new staff members recently! Praise God! We know that it can be hard to get to know leadership sometimes, so we thought that it would be fun to do a blog series introducing each new staff member and a few fun facts about them. This week we want to introduce you to Ellen Solt, our Administrative Assistant!

What first brought you to Veritas?
My family and I visited SO many churches here in the Fayetteville area. We wanted somewhere that we could serve, grow, and have a deep and meaningful community. We instantly felt at home at Veritas, and we have loved getting involved and meeting new people.

Tell us about your role at Veritas.
I manage and help with a couple different things right now. Some of my main responsibilities include assisting Sam with whatever she needs, event planning and implementation, reaching out to first time guests, and helping people through the partnership process. If you are new or want to become a partner--you will hear from me. 😀

What are some of your hobbies?
I love to run, cook, travel, read, and eat. I also love flipping and restoring things. My husband and I are in the process of searching for a fixer-upper home that we can make our own.

What’s your favorite beverage?
Pineapple-coconut sparkling water and coffee (light and sweet)

What is the last fiction book that you read?
I LOVE to read, especially fiction. I read about 2-3 books a week.🤓 I'm currently reading through The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan.

Meet Keenan

We have had the privilege of hiring 3 new staff members recently! Praise God! We know that it can be hard to get to know leadership sometimes, so we thought that it would be fun to do a blog series introducing each new staff member and a few fun facts about them. This week we want to introduce you to Keenan Micol, our Youth Director!

What first brought you to Veritas?
When I came from my last church, I said enough is enough! I need a church that preaches the word, lives it in community, and is obedient to God's call missionally. When I got immediately plugged in, I found a family that does all of the above.

Tell us about your role at Veritas.
I love Youth. Equipping Young people in community for the gospel of Christ now is my mission, my passion, and my life cause. I will give all I have for young people to know their worth to God and to share the goodness of God's grace towards them to others.

What are some of your hobbies?
I love video games and movies. Pretty much anything that tells a worthwhile story, I love. Hanging out is my thing, and I am most definitely a foodie when I can be.

What’s your favorite beverage?
Boba Tea is my go-to favorite. It’s a drink and a snack!

What is the last fiction book that you read?
Voyage of the Dawn Treader - CS Lewis