Discipleship groups are one of the primary pathways of discipleship at Veritas Church. We long for everyone involved at Veritas to be in a discipleship group. Discipleship groups are gender-specific groups of 2 or 3 people who meet together for a season of 6 months to help each other follow Jesus. We long for these discipleship groups to embody two things- depth in theological maturity through reading the bible together, and depth in relational intimacy through praying and confessing sin together.


Here are a few ways to get connected with a discipleship group:

  1. Look for people in your community group who you could ask to meet with.

  2. After men’s and women’s bible studies conclude, keep meeting with your discussion group.

  3. Ask friends or people you know in the church if you can start meeting together.

Featured Discipleship Resource:


This is a helpful tool that helps us read through the New Testament once per year and the Old Testament once every three years. Grab a couple friends and work through this Bible Reading Plan together.

We have provided a list of other recommended resources here.


  1. MEET: Meet with your group at a place where you can talk openly and freely with one another

  2. CONFESS: Spend the first 15 minutes confessing where Jesus is at work in your life. Talk about what you are learning in bible reading and prayer times with Jesus. Confess areas of struggle with sin to one another.

  3. READ: Pick a book of the Bible to read through together. Spend 30 minutes reading through and discussing a passage of Scripture in that book using the questions below.

    What do you notice about this text? What sticks out? When you feel like you’ve exhausted it, don’t stop, there’s more to see. Nothing is too basic of an observation. Write them down as a group. Does this have any allusions to other parts of Scripture? Where have I heard this before? What does this remind me of? How does this fit into the big story of the Bible? What comes before and after this passage? How does this help make sense of what’s going on in the passage
    INTERPRETATION What is the author saying in this text? What’s the big idea of this passage? What is the main thing they are trying to tell us? How are they saying it? What arguments, illustrations, and points are they making to support their main point? What is God telling us about himself in this passage? How does this passage show us the good news of the gospel? How does it reveal Jesus to us?
    APPLICATION What does this passage teach us about what we should believe? What does this passage teach us about how we should love? What does this passage teach us about what we should hope? What does this passage teach us about life together?

  4. PRAY: Close by spending 10-15 minutes in prayer for one another.

  5. MULTIPLY: After meeting as a group for 6 months, begin looking to multiply and form new groups.