2 Timothy

Grace That Reinforces Faith: Hope & Suffering

Often the events of our lives seem meaningless and irrelevant, but we learn through Scripture that God is training us in grace and godliness. Even suffering is a means of grace in the hands of God.

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Grace That Reinforces Faith: Community

From the very beginning, God has existed in and been a part of community with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We see in the gospel that when Jesus began his ministry, he went and found 12 guys and told them to follow him. Placing them into community. As followers of Jesus, we are brought into biblical community with God, and according to the Bible, there is no part of life that we should be doing on our own.

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.


Grace That Reinforces Faith: Worship

What is the purpose of prayer and why do so many of us find it so difficult? The disciples ask a similar question to Jesus and understanding his answer will change our approach in and understanding of prayer.

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.


Grace That Reinforces Faith: Prayer

What is the purpose of prayer and why do so many of us find it so difficult? The disciples ask a similar question to Jesus and understanding his answer will change our approach in and understanding of prayer.

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.


Grace That Reinforces Faith: The Bible

The Word of God is the primary means by which God changes us. It speaks liberating truth to our enslaved hearts as we read it ourselves and as we speak it to others. How does that happen and how does God reinforce our faith through this grace? 

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.