Our mission at Veritas is to glorify God by making disciples who love God, love people, and advance the gospel.
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At Veritas we are committed to preaching and teaching each week from the Bible about Jesus. Each week we post our sermons online for those of us who are unable to attend our weekly gatherings.
Our mission at Veritas is to glorify God by making disciples who love God, love people, and advance the gospel.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
If you’ve been around Veritas, you’ve probably heard us say that we exist for the fame of Jesus. Why is that? Where does it come from? What does it look like to live for the fame of Jesus?
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The letter of James concludes with a fitting focus on what genuine faith does: genuine faith prays and pursues. James, concise to a fault, leaves his readers with an exhortation that as followers of Jesus we are to move towards those who are in need. We pursue others in faith that God wants to heal and restore as we make our needs known to him in prayer.
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When the entire world seems to say that self-interest, getting ahead, and carnivorous ambition is what wisdom is all about, James comes with a radically different picture of wisdom. Echoing the call of wisdom from the book of Proverbs, James boldy claims that true wisdom is radically other focused. True wisdom cannot be found by looking inward, but only by looking upward to Jesus, the embodiment of true wisdom.
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In James 3:1-12, James makes the point, faith that works is a faith that tames the tongue. Our speech and words are powerful and often destructive, so how are we supposed to do that? Jump in and listen as we discuss that together this week.
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What is the difference between counterfeit “faith” demonic “faith” and authentic faith? In this sermon we looked at this question together in James 2.
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Faith that works loves and shows mercy without favoritism, but what is favoritism and why is it such a big deal? Join us as we look at this in today’s sermon.
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For Advent this year we'll be studying the Book of Ruth together. Ruth is an incredible love story where to very unlikely people end up together. Ruth is a non-Jewish woman who shows faithfulness and loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and Boaz is a wealthy family member who shows incredible mercy and loyalty to Ruth. Ultimately, we’ll see whispers of the gospel of Jesus Christ in a book written some 1,000 years before Jesus’ birth.
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For Advent this year we'll be studying the Book of Ruth together. Ruth is an incredible love story where to very unlikely people end up together. Ruth is a non-Jewish woman who shows faithfulness and loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and Boaz is a wealthy family member who shows incredible mercy and loyalty to Ruth. Ultimately, we’ll see whispers of the gospel of Jesus Christ in a book written some 1,000 years before Jesus’ birth.
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The third and final part of our series in the book of Acts is called The Unstoppable Mission of God. We’ll see the gospel absolutely explode across the Roman Empire, into Asia and even into Europe. In these chapters of Acts we’ll see persecution intensity, churches be planted, and cities be changed by the good news that Jesus has come to bring restoration and that really does change everything. All of this will lead to us seeing how we are a part of what started in the book of Acts and will continue until Jesus comes back.
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The third and final part of our series in the book of Acts is called The Unstoppable Mission of God. We’ll see the gospel absolutely explode across the Roman Empire, into Asia and even into Europe. In these chapters of Acts we’ll see persecution intensity, churches be planted, and cities be changed by the good news that Jesus has come to bring restoration and that really does change everything. All of this will lead to us seeing how we are a part of what started in the book of Acts and will continue until Jesus comes back.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
The third and final part of our series in the book of Acts is called The Unstoppable Mission of God. We’ll see the gospel absolutely explode across the Roman Empire, into Asia, and even into Europe. In these chapters of Acts we’ll see persecution intensity, churches be planted, and cities be changed by the good news that Jesus has come to bring restoration, and that really does change everything. All of this will lead to us seeing how we are a part of what started in the book of Acts and will continue until Jesus comes back.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
God wants to encourage us and for us to encourage one another as we gather regularly to remember Jesus’ resurrection, to celebrate communion and to hear and respond to the Word of God.
The third and final part of our series in the book of Acts is called The Unstoppable Mission of God. We’ll see the gospel absolutely explode across the Roman Empire, into Asia, and even into Europe. In these chapters of Acts we’ll see persecution intensity, churches be planted, and cities be changed by the good news that Jesus has come to bring restoration, and that really does change everything. All of this will lead to us seeing how we are a part of what started in the book of Acts and will continue until Jesus comes back.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
The third and final part of our series in the book of Acts is called The Unstoppable Mission of God. We’ll see the gospel absolutely explode across the Roman Empire, into Asia, and even into Europe. In these chapters of Acts we’ll see persecution intensity, churches be planted, and cities be changed by the good news that Jesus has come to bring restoration, and that really does change everything. All of this will lead to us seeing how we are a part of what started in the book of Acts and will continue until Jesus comes back.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
What happens when you see brokenness around you? When you see people living without the hope that the gospel brings? Are you moved by it? Is your spirit provoked by it? Today we looked at how Paul brings the hope of the gospel to bear on the city of Athens and hopefully can learn what it looks like for us to do it in our city/workplace/neighborhood/etc.
What happens when you see brokenness around you? What happens when you see people living without the hope that the gospel brings? Are you moved by it? Is your spirit provoked by it? Today we looked at how Paul brings the hope of the gospel to bear on the city of Athens and hopefully can learn what it looks like for us to do it in our city/workplace/neighborhood/etc.
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In Acts 16, we see the beginning of the second missionary journey that Paul and his team embark upon together. The gospel goes across Turkey and into Europe and we’re left asking the question: Who are the type of people that Jesus saves?
In Acts 16, we see the beginning of the second missionary journey that Paul and his team embark upon together. The gospel goes across Turkey and into Europe and we’re left asking the question: Who are the type of people that Jesus saves?
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What happens when we experience conflict? What do we do when we have a failed relationship? In this text, we see both and also see a God who works in the midst of even failure for our good and his purposes.
What happens when we experience conflict? What do we do when we have a failed relationship? In this text, we see both and also see a God who works in the midst of even failure for our good and his purposes.
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