pretending and performing

Part 6 - The Gospel & Heart Idolatry

Following Jesus means preferring him to everything else. If we love something Jesus provides for us more than we love him then we are idolaters! Idolatry means we’ve made an idol out of something - we prefer it to Jesus. If we are to address the idols of our heart we are going to have to come to grips with our own weaknesses and we will have to expose to others.

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Part 5 - The Gospel & Repentance

Today we look at repentance. In our culture, this usually sounds like a bad thing, but repentance is the norm for gospel-centered living. Becoming more aware of God’s holiness and our sinfulness leads us to repent and believe the gospel of Jesus. Biblical repentance frees us from our own devices and makes a way for the power of the gospel to bear fruit in our lives.

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Part 2 - Pretending & Performing

Each of us tends to “shrink the cross,” which is to say that something is lacking in our understanding, appreciation, or application of Jesus’ sacrifice for our sin. This manifests itself in two main ways: pretending and performing. Pretending minimizes sin by making ourselves out to be something we are not. Performing minimizes God’s holiness by reducing his standard to something we can meet, thereby meriting his favor. Both are rooted in an inadequate view of God’s holiness and our identity.

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