God gives us undeserved grace in both choosing us for salvation and warning us away from sin.
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At Veritas we are committed to preaching and teaching each week from the Bible about Jesus. Each week we post our sermons online for those of us who are unable to attend our weekly gatherings.
God gives us undeserved grace in both choosing us for salvation and warning us away from sin.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.
Our vision for 2022 is to build a culture of discipleship marked by relational ownership and rooted in biblical literacy.
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True life is found in knowing God through his Word, Jesus.
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Through Jesus, rebellious people can be granted forgiveness and brought into the family of God.
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Jesus' humble birth brings great joy because he is the Savior, Christ the Lord.
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Jesus is the fulfillment of all of the Old Testament's hopes, covenants, and promises. The bible is a story of salvation centered on him.
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Uncontainable joy and truth flow out of those who recognize Jesus as Lord.
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Jesus is the Son of David and the Son of God.
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God proves that he is the true God on Mount Carmel.
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Jesus cares and loves his church and has established the office of deacons to serve and strengthen the church.
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Jesus cares and loves his church and has established the office of deacons to serve and strengthen the church.
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God's patient faithfulness creates faith and faithfulness in us.
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God faithfulness continues from Abraham and a Sarah to Isaac and Rebekah.
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The promises of God mean there is hope beyond the grave.
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Our faith grows as we trust and obey God with the things most precious to us.
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God is faithful to his word and fulfills his promise to Abraham and Sarah.
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God is faithful even when we are fearful and faithless.
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This story is a cautionary tale for us. And like all good cautionary tales, we are meant to learn from the mistakes of others so we don’t make those same mistakes ourselves. God is inviting us to peer into the horrific brokenness of this story and consider it, learn from it, and do something about it. Because even though the city of Sodom had been destroyed by God, we see that the spirit of Sodom was alive and well in the hearts of Lot and his two daughters.
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