If we are going to run the race of following Jesus we are going to need to rid ourselves of anything weighing us down and lock our eyes on him.
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At Veritas we are committed to preaching and teaching each week from the Bible about Jesus. Each week we post our sermons online for those of us who are unable to attend our weekly gatherings.
If we are going to run the race of following Jesus we are going to need to rid ourselves of anything weighing us down and lock our eyes on him.
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True faith demonstrates trust in the promises of God, looks forward and hopes in God’s greater reward, and perseveres through challenge and suffering.
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Faith believes what it does not see and takes God at his word.
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God warns us and refocuses us on our future hope.
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Since the priestly work of Christ has established the privilege of access to God we should approach God faithfully, firmly maintain our confession, and find ways to encourage others.
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Jesus offers himself as a better sacrifice that perfects us once and for all.
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The blood of Jesus brings us better purity and access to God than the law ever could.
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The whole of creation pointing to Jesus will help us see the sweetness of the word of God.
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Jesus is a better priest who brings us into a better covenant with better promises.
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God has appointed his own son and sworn him to be our perfect priest-king forever.
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God encourages our hope through his oath and his Son.
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God challenges, warns, and assures so that we would earnestly pursue the assurance of our hope to the end.
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Because Jesus has become our great high priest, we should cling to our confession and come to him for help.
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God's rest is still available to enjoy, so don't miss out on it by not believing.
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You have a better redeemer than Moses, so don't fall away.
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We should come to Jesus for help because he inaugurates a new humanity, suffers to bring us into his family, and saves us from the power of death.
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We should continually be amazed at the greatness of Jesus as the only one who could bring about our salvation.
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Don’t turn away from Jesus, because Jesus is Better.
If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.