Harper's Testimony — VERITAS CHURCH | Fayetteville, NC

Harper's Testimony

It was our deep privilege to baptize Harper into the faith on Sunday, December 1st. Harper shared her testimony with the church before she was baptized and has given us permission to share that with you here as well. Please take a moment to be encouraged in your walk with the Lord and read Harper’s testimony of Jesus’s work in her life.

Hi. I am Harper Y. I would like to tell you about what Jesus has done for me. Jesus really came to me through His Word. I’ve been raised in a Christian home where my parents read the Bible to me since I was born. When I was 4, I remember my parents telling me that all humans had sinned and because of their sin are separated from God forever. I had cried and asked “but what will happen to us then?” My mom explained to me that Jesus came to earth as a baby, lived a perfect life, died a painful death, and resurrected after three days. The next day I wanted to accept Jesus as my Savior. I asked my parents to pray with me and prayed to God, committing my life to Him. He definitely made a difference in my life, but I didn’t really know what it meant to have a Savior. When I was 9, hard things were going on in my life. I still believed and loved Jesus, and I still prayed to Him, but I felt like He was not near me. “He must be far away right now,” I decided. I felt lonely without Him right next to me. But one night I was reminded of His love for me and what he went through when He was left alone on the cross. He felt nearer again. I read the Bible and pray daily to Him now. I want to learn more about Him. He saved my life. When I was sad He gave me joy. When I was worried He gave me peace. When I was dead He gave me life.  
