Pt. 13 - We Run - Exodus 32

Just like the Israelites, we run. We fall into the same pattern of behavior that humans have been falling into since our first father and mother fell into sin in the garden. Our hearts are idol-factories that make things far worse than the Israelites’ golden calf. What we need is our sin atoned for, and only Jesus can fully cover our failings.

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Pt. 10 - We Forget - Exodus 15:22-27

In Exodus 15:22-27, we are quickly reminded that it doesn’t take long to forget all the blessings that God has poured out on his people - both on the Israelites and us today. We forget, and are going to continue to forget, yet Jesus still says, “I paid for that.” 

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Pt. 9 - Worship: Right Response - Exodus 15:1-21

Exodus 15:1-21 is mostly a song sung by God’s people about who he is, what he has done, and what he promises to do. This is the first recorded song in the Bible, and it sets an incredible example for how we should respond to God: by singing. We, like the people of God, should sing in response to the salvation that Jesus has accomplished for us.

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Pt. 1 - Before Exodus... Genesis 1-50

In this sermon, John Murphy gives an overview of what comes before the book of Exodus and how the people of God found themselves enslaved to the Egyptians. All of this makes us ask: Will God be faithful to his promises and if so, how?

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Communion - 1 Corinthians 11:17-26

As we enter the new year Pastor Stewart answers the basic questions surrounding communion: what is it? Who should take it? When should we take it? And what to do now in light of the truth that this ordinance is a well of rich comfort for us and sweet tangible reminder of the gospel as often as we take it.

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A Story of Redemption - Ruth 4

Ruth and Naomi are redeemed by Boaz, one of their kinsman redeemers, who points to the true and greater redeemer who was to come, Jesus. Jesus has done everything to redeem us and is coming again soon.

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Coming Helpless to a Redeemer - Ruth 3

It’s hard for us to ask for help. Even when we come before God we tend to come thinking that we don’t need his help in some ways. Ruth models for us the only true way to come to Jesus and be redeemed by him, completely helpless.

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The Providential Kindness of God - Ruth 2

For Advent this year we'll be studying the Book of Ruth together. Ruth is an incredible love story where to very unlikely people end up together. Ruth is a non-Jewish woman who shows faithfulness and loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and Boaz is a wealthy family member who shows incredible mercy and loyalty to Ruth. Ultimately, we’ll see whispers of the gospel of Jesus Christ in a book written some 1,000 years before Jesus’ birth.

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Hope in the Midst of Hoplessness - Ruth 1

For Advent this year we'll be studying the Book of Ruth together. Ruth is an incredible love story where to very unlikely people end up together. Ruth is a non-Jewish woman who shows faithfulness and loyalty to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and Boaz is a wealthy family member who shows incredible mercy and loyalty to Ruth. Ultimately, we’ll see whispers of the gospel of Jesus Christ in a book written some 1,000 years before Jesus’ birth.

If you prefer, you can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes.