A Table For Hypocrites

In this passage Jesus says to the Pharisees and Lawyers: You look ok on the outside, but really you are not ok on the inside. Jesus doesn't ever wound for the sake of inflicting pain. Jesus is going to reveal their deepest faults so that they can be cleansed from within.

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The Danger of Serving Without Sitting

If we are serving out of anything other than our identity in Jesus, it leads to mundane business, not service to God. Jesus calls us first to sit with him, learn from him, then and only then do we go out.

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Pt. 11 - Faith That Prays and Pursues

The letter of James concludes with a fitting focus on what genuine faith does: genuine faith prays and pursues. James, concise to a fault, leaves his readers with an exhortation that as followers of Jesus we are to move towards those who are in need. We pursue others in faith that God wants to heal and restore as we make our needs known to him in prayer.

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