17. Blessing from Suffering

Guest speaker, Tim Stokes, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 3:13-17. In this passage, we see that as believers, we are called to be passionate about doing good and to anticipate suffering, all the while resting in God’s will.

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15. Wives and Husbands

Guest speaker, Ryan Ross, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 3:1-7. In this passage Peter is speaking directly to married men and women in the church. The main thing we should see in this passage is that way we relate to each other in marriage should be a reflection of the gospel.

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14. Suffering For Doing Good

Guest speaker, Ryan Ross, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 2:18-25. The reality of suffering confronts many of us on a daily basis: sickness, pain, emotional or otherwise. For those of us who follow Jesus, we are called to suffer like our savior. When we suffer we don’t always know why but because of the cross we can know that it isn’t because God doesn’t love us. God's love has been displayed for us in the cross of Jesus and it is by his wounds we are healed in the midst of our suffering.

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13. Living Under Authority

Understanding submission, especially in our western culture, is extremely difficult. And what about evil authority? What do we do? What does the Bible tell us? Once again, the Apostle Peter will walk us through how to engage authority in a Christ-centered way.

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12. A Call To Good Works

Guest speaker, Ryan Ross, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 2:11-12. Ryan encouraged us to reject the fleshly urge to be known for fighting concern for our rights and privileges but instead to pursue holiness because your life is at stake and it furthers God's mission.

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11. God's Holy People

Guest speaker, Professor Chuck Quarels, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 2:9-10. Chuck encouraged us to see and live in our identity as a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s possession, and liberated slaves who have been set free from our bondage to sin.

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10. Rejected by People, Chosen by God

Guest speaker, Professor Chuck Quarels, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 2:4-8. He exhorted us to see through the text that Jesus is: the embodiment of the glory of God, the founder of a new people of God, our great high priest, and the final judge.

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9. The New Desires

Guest speaker, Ryan Ross, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 2:1-3. In the text there were three main truths of spiritual growth that God wants us to pursue: putting away our sin, craving the word, and growing in our delight of God.

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8. Purified As We Obey

Guest speaker, Tim Stokes, continued our series in 1 Peter and encouraged us to remember three main things: we must sincerely love each other, we must remember that we have been born again, and we must rest in God's wisdom above human wisdom.

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7. Living as Exiles

Last week was a call to obedience from Peter. This week he tells us to conduct ourselves in the fear of God. The natural question is, what does that mean? Peter is going to help us better understand what the Bible means by “fear.”

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6. A Call to Holy Living

In verses 1-12 of 1 Peter, the Apostle Peter reminded us that our hope is not in ourselves but in the grace and salvation of Jesus. As we move into verse 13, we see Peter switch and show us where our human obedience lies. We are saved by Jesus’ grace, and out of our love for him, we strive to be holy and we walk in humble obedience to him.

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5. Prophesied Sufferings and Glories

God has been empowering and partnering with mankind since the beginning of the world through his personal presence, the Holy Spirit. Through the guidance of the Spirit, God accomplishes the writing of the scriptures through prophets, and for the proclaiming of the gospel through preaching.

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4. Glorifying God Through Trials

Suffering is hard. It’s really hard. But, as followers of Jesus, there is a purpose. It’s doing something in us. We are being tested and refined by fire, but like Peter says, we are more precious than gold. And one day, we will see, taste, and experience our full salvation that is more precious than gold.

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3. A Living Hope

Often we come to the scriptures it feels like we aren’t fed by God’s word because we are unsure of what to do with it. The simple tools of observation, interpretation, and application help us immensely when seeking to truly understand the real meaning of the text. In 1 Peter 1:3-5 we see simple glorious truths: God is worthy of praise, God has made a way for us to be born again, God is giving us a heavenly inheritance that cannot change, and we are being kept by God through faith.

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2. Elect Exiles

As we work together as a church to fight to glorify God while enduring suffering, we can’t do it in a “do it ourselves” mentality. We have to be rooted in our identity as sons and daughters of God, and constantly be reminded of what God did for us when he saved us from our sin.

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1. Introduction and Reading of 1 Peter

The original letter from Peter would have been passed around throughout the churches of the dispersed and read aloud to the people gathered there. On this Sunday, we wanted to do just that, as well.

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The Last Table

After all the meals we’ve seen Jesus eat with people, there is one meal that stands above all. The one that’s full of hope when the bridegroom fully unites with his bride.

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Seeing Jesus at the Table

This story of disciples that knew the facts but couldn’t see Jesus makes us ask the question: What does it take for someone to see Jesus as their hope? Through the text we see that there must be opening of their eyes by Jesus himself to see him and believe. And it’s often in the mundane things that Jesus ultimately reveals himself.

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