1. Created for Community

We have been created for community, but we have also been re-created for community. Jesus died on a cross to bring us together to make a family. He restores and reconciles us not only to God, but also to each other. This is why community centered on the Gospel matters.

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Introduction To The Gospel Centered Community

This week, speaker Ryan Ross introduces our 10 week series based off of “The Gospel Centered Community”. 1 John 4:7-12 tells us of God’s love and makes 3 distinct points. We should love one another because God is love. We are free to love others because he loved us first. Finally, loving one another shows off God’s redeeming love to the world.

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Vision 2020: Dependence and Obedience

It has become tradition to end the year as one big family. 2019 was no different. We came together, kids and adults, to be reminded of the fact that we’re called to serve others as followers of Jesus, but before we do, we remember all that Jesus has done for us. Out of that overflow of love, we love and serve others. Jesus gave us a reminder of that love when he instituted communion. Sometimes, we simply need to be reminded when we forget.

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Family Gathering 2019

It has become tradition to end the year as one big family. 2019 was no different. We came together, kids and adults, to be reminded of the fact that we’re called to serve others as followers of Jesus, but before we do, we remember all that Jesus has done for us. Out of that overflow of love, we love and serve others. Jesus gave us a reminder of that love when he instituted communion. Sometimes, we simply need to be reminded when we forget.

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4. The Promise of the King

Jesus is more than a baby and more than just a king. He is the God of Heaven. This two year old baby is living a fully human life all while upholding the universe as God. He took on all that we are so that we can take on all that is his. He came to live a human life so that he can stand in our place. There is no news like the good news that he brings. Jesus is the true king who is worthy of our worship.

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3. The Promise of the Presence

Jesus is God with us to save us. Jesus, who is our Savior, is the virgin born Son of Mary. We cannot save ourselves. If we are to be saved, God had to come and do it for us. He is not just a mere man, he is also the virgin born Son of God who is God with us. In fulfilling the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14, he was born of the virgin Mary and lived a human life, all while still being the Son of God. This baby boy is the same God who created the universe. He is God in human flesh. He is God who came to find us because he so loves us. He is God with us.

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2. The Promise of the Prophets

Jesus is the promised Messiah who fulfills all the promises of the prophets. Matthew highlights that Jesus’ genealogy is filled with sinners. Jesus is not ashamed of us, so much that He took on all of our sins in order to adopt us as sons and daughters. He is the King who rules over his people with love, grace and forgiveness. He will invite anyone into his family who will repent and trust in him.

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1. The Promise of the Covenant

In this text, God meets our doubts with a promise, a picture and a person. God made a covenant with Abraham knowing that Abraham could not uphold any part of it. He believed the Lord and God counted it to him as righteousness. Our salvation is secured because Jesus Christ, God’s son, walked the path for us. He is devoted to us and pursues us. He is faithful when we are not.

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22. Humble Yourself, Exalted by God

As our series in 1 Peter comes to an end, guest speaker Ryan Ross walks us through what true Gospel humility looks like. We need to pray for humility and that we can meet others needs above our own. We need to remain firm in our faith. Suffering is everywhere, but our suffering is brief. Our God of Grace will restore us in eternal glory with him.

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21. Shepherd the Flock of God

Guest speaker, Ryan Ross, continues our series in 1 Peter, speaking on the calling of Eldership. Being called to Eldership means shepherding God’s flock willingly and not for personal gain. It means living as examples to the flock. In the same sense, the church is to be subject to the elders in humility towards one another. Peter writes, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

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20. Expect Suffering

As followers of Jesus it is sometimes assumed that things on the whole will go well for us. Contrary to this, Peter writes “do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings” (1 Peter 4:7). Guest speaker, Ryan Ross, continues our series in 1 Peter by asking the questions: How do we come to terms with the fact that suffering is on the way? How do we cling to Jesus in the midst of suffering? And, how in the world do you rejoice in your sufferings?

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19. Stewards of God's Grace

Most of us know that God has uniquely designed us and gifted us for serving others, but few of us know what that is and what means for our lives. Guest speaker, Ryan Ross, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 4:7-11 to help us explore what it means to be good stewards of God’s varied grace.

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18. Living for the Will of God

Following Jesus means that we reject sin and instead choose obedience to Jesus, which is hard. So it follows that when we choose Jesus over sin, others will be surprised and even revile us for this. Guest speaker, Ryan Ross, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 4:1-6 and helped us see that the more we look forward to the future we have with Jesus, the less we will walk in sin.

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17. Blessing from Suffering

Guest speaker, Tim Stokes, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 3:13-17. In this passage, we see that as believers, we are called to be passionate about doing good and to anticipate suffering, all the while resting in God’s will.

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15. Wives and Husbands

Guest speaker, Ryan Ross, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 3:1-7. In this passage Peter is speaking directly to married men and women in the church. The main thing we should see in this passage is that way we relate to each other in marriage should be a reflection of the gospel.

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14. Suffering For Doing Good

Guest speaker, Ryan Ross, continued our series in 1 Peter from 1 Peter 2:18-25. The reality of suffering confronts many of us on a daily basis: sickness, pain, emotional or otherwise. For those of us who follow Jesus, we are called to suffer like our savior. When we suffer we don’t always know why but because of the cross we can know that it isn’t because God doesn’t love us. God's love has been displayed for us in the cross of Jesus and it is by his wounds we are healed in the midst of our suffering.

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