Jesus is a greater Moses who brings and a greater salvation and comfort than Moses could ever bring. He meets our needs with his power and comforts us with his presence.
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At Veritas we are committed to preaching and teaching each week from the Bible about Jesus. Each week we post our sermons online for those of us who are unable to attend our weekly gatherings.
Jesus is a greater Moses who brings and a greater salvation and comfort than Moses could ever bring. He meets our needs with his power and comforts us with his presence.
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The Bible is all about Jesus, so that we might see Jesus in it and be changed
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When we die, we will stand before God in judgement. And like it or not, Jesus will be your judge. The good news in this passage is that Jesus not only has the authority to judge but he has the power to grant eternal life - because he is God.
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In the gospel, Jesus removes social, racial, and cultural barriers that keep us from him, covers our shame, and satisfies us with himself. The result of being changed by Jesus is proclaiming the good news of who he is to others.
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In the gospel, Jesus removes social, racial, and cultural barriers that keep us from him, covers our shame, and satisfies us with himself. The result of being changed by Jesus is proclaiming the good news of who he is to others.
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Joy is found in pointing to Jesus and following Jesus.
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God is not a harsh dictator, he is a loving father. He shows this by giving and sending Jesus, his son.
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In order to see the kingdom of God, you must be born again, which Jesus says is a work not of our own doing but of the Spirit. Like Nicodemus, many of us are perplexed by the words of Jesus. The grace of God is displayed in that he doesn’t demand us to will ourselves into being ‘born again’. He sees us, meets us in our helplessness, and offers himself as the unfailing object of our faith.
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Jesus confronts what is corrupted and false to restore it to what is true.
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Jesus brings the joy of new creation life to all who believe in him.
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Jesus is still, to this day, calling people to follow him, be transformed by him, and make him known.
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Seeing who Jesus is frees us up to be who we are. Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to live in us to renew and baptize us daily. He helps us to taste and see that Jesus and His Gospel are good.
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Even though we are grieved we cannot worship together in the same space, we are excited for you to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with your families!
This Easter Sunday, we continue in the Gospel of John to see that Jesus is an inexhaustible fountain of grace and truth, and he has come to give himself to us.
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In John 1:6-13, we see that John's mission was to put on display the glory and majesty of Jesus so that all might believe in his name. His life was to be a faithful witness and give testimony of our Lord and Savior.
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This week we are starting our series in the Gospel of John. In this study, we will be looking at the incarnate life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus verse by verse. He wrote this Gospel so that those who didn't know Jesus would see him and come to know him through the book and find life and salvation in his name. John 1:1-5 shows us that because Jesus is God, he has the power to give us new life in his name. Jesus is fully and truly God.
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Pastor Jacob Warren teaches from Matthew 6:25-34. The invitation of Jesus to those who are anxious is to trust God as their heavenly father.
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For the last week of gospel centered community we are putting what we have learned into practice by necessity. Due to recommendations by our governor we cannot meet in groups more than 100 so we are gathering in small groups to worship together through word and song. This week Ryan teaches that in order to carry out the mission of Jesus we must be a friend of sinners.
Click the buttons below to for the family/small group worship guide and lyrics to sing along with the gathering audio.
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Guest pastor Mike Boarts, is continuing our series in "A Gospel Centered Community". The main idea is that God's grace empowers us to live in grace ourselves and give grace to others.
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Real community happens when we walk in God’s light by confessing and repenting of sin to one another. Walking in the light is the way to gospel community and to gospel freedom.
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We should humble ourselves for each other and look to the interest of others, because God has humbled himself for us. We humble ourselves by looking to the humility of Jesus and looking to the exaltation of Jesus.
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