Local Partner Update


Saturday, April 14 - Local Partner Interest Meeting after the Gathering
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Local Partner Group for information and updates
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At the beginning of March, I had the opportunity to sit down with Michele Dove, the Site Director of Your Choice Pregnancy Center (through Hand of Hope) and Laura White, the Executive Director of Cypress View Children’s Home. We have been partnering with Hand of Hope for years to support women through pregnancy. Cypress View is a new organization that is planning and working toward building healthy group homes in Dunn, NC for children out of the home through foster care or private placements.

Because this was the first meeting for Michele and Laura, we started with an introduction to our organizations and then shared our testimonies with each other. What a powerful display of the Lord’s providence in our lives!

“I came back to my faith around my mid 30s and every day it’s ‘less of me, more of you, God!’ And this is true joy! That there is truth and joy! It’s not about money or other things. It’s about the basic stability and knowing that I have a God that is my father, and loves me and allows me to love other people. It’s been a journey!” - Michele Dove, Your Choice Pregnancy Center

If you’d like to hear more about our discussion, I’d love to share with you! I’m also hoping to edit an audio recording of the meeting (think discussion-based podcast.)

How can you support Local Partners Collective?

  1. Pray.
    Pray for Michele and the Hand of Hope staff (including our own Katy Engstrom, Veritas Covenant Partner!) Pray they will continue to be empowered by the Spirit to support those experiencing crisis during pregnancy.
    Pray for Laura and her team as they’re in the planning and fundraising stage to get these foster group homes off the ground! Pray the Lord would make their path straight and provide in abundance to support these kids and families.

  2. Consider Financially Supporting.
    Both of these organizations are a good use of the Lord’s money, and Cypress View in particular is building capital funds in the hopes of breaking ground on their group homes within the year. You can donate here.

  3. Consider Volunteering
    Hand of Hope is looking for men and women to disciple young families in need. Many of the clients of Your Choice Pregnancy Center do not often have healthy examples of Christ centered marriage or parenting. If you’d like to volunteer, reach out to Michele at michele@handofhope.net.
    If someone has experience with media editing (iMovie) and is interested in volunteering your time and expertise for the Local Partners Collective, please reach out to me at emilyruth@veritasfayetteville.com.