Homeless Care Packages



Sunday, April 14 - Local Partner Interest Meeting after the Gathering. Please RSVP by clicking the link.

Local Partner Group for information and updates. Please join the group and share with others.

If you’ve been around Fayetteville any amount of time, particularly around the mall or downtown, you notice we have a good amount of visible homeless people. There are a number of mixed opinions as to how to best interact and care for the homeless, especially when you’re on the go and may have kids with you. Because I’ve been heavily involved with Fayetteville Area Operation Inasmuch (Inasmuch), a number of different people have asked me what are the best ways to interact with the homeless. 

I put together a quick instructional video of Homeless Care Packages. This was not my idea originally, I got it from a friend. Putting these packages together and having them with you is a low-hanging fruit as to how to engage the homeless in a way that can bring dignity. The important thing to consider is that these Homeless Care Packages offer you a few different opportunities:

  • To humanize someone who has been dehumanized: 

    • Look the person in the eyes, smile, and say something simple and kind like “stay safe,” or “God bless”

    • If you have time, ask the person’s name and say goodbye using their name (homeless people can go long stretches of time not hearing their own name)

  • To offer a resource for more help should they choose it:

  • To show care and interest without crossing boundaries that make you feel uncomfortable

    • This allows you to be prepared for this interaction and not feel caught-off-guard

In fact, Freedom Christian Academy students recently put together a number of these homeless care packages. Thanks to our own Chrissy Hughes, we have a box of them at Veritas! I will have these sample Homeless Care Packages, as well as representatives from our Local Partners, and some helpful information at the Local Partner Interest Meeting this Sunday, April 14 after the Gathering! Please RSVP here