The Holy Spirit convicts the world about what’s wrong and leads the Church in all that is right.
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At Veritas we are committed to preaching and teaching each week from the Bible about Jesus. Each week we post our sermons online for those of us who are unable to attend our weekly gatherings.
The Holy Spirit convicts the world about what’s wrong and leads the Church in all that is right.
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We should be ready for the world's hatred and meet it with the love of Jesus.
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The only way to grow in Jesus is to make our home in Jesus.
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Jesus sends God the Spirit to dwell within us to help us, teach us, and bring us peace.
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Jesus is the only way to be with God eternally, know God personally, and live for God powerfully.
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We bear witness to Jesus by loving one another just as Jesus has loved us.
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In John 13 verses 1-17 we are invited to see the love of Jesus, receive the cleansing that he offers, and follow his example of humble service.
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Jesus calls us to turn from our unbelief and believe and find life in his name.
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Jesus is a different kind of king who calls us to follow him as a different kind of people who pursue a different kind of glory.
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We demonstrate the value of what we love by sacrificing for it. In this passage we see the Pharisees willing to kill Jesus to protect the things they value, and we see Jesus' friends sacrificing what they have to show the value of knowing Jesus.
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Jesus is the resurrection and the life who can bring the power of resurrection life into our lives, right now.
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Jesus is the good shepherd who keeps us in his grip through his word.
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You can have unshakable confidence that you are a sheep that is a part of the flock that Jesus is gathering to himself as their good shepherd. Through faith you are granted eternal life, through the laying down of Jesus’ life on the cross and his resurrection from the dead.
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Jesus is the light of the world who can open our blind eyes and make us see.
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Real freedom is found in becoming sons and daughters of God through belief in the Son of God.
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Jesus is the light of the world and whoever follows him will not walk in darkness but have the light of life.
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There's two ways to rebel against God, one by being really bad, the other by being really good. All of us have rebelled and need the grace of God. God solves this problem by sending Jesus to be good for us and to give his goodness to everyone who believes in him.
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Jesus is the water of life who satisfies us completely and transforms us to be a channel of blessing towards others
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Jesus confronts our false beliefs about himself to show us he is really the Christ, the Savior.
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Jesus is the bread of life who eternally satisfies all who would seek him, believe in him, and be sustained by him.
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